Gun laws in Connecticut are amongst the most restrictive in the country. Connecticut requires training, background check and permitting requirements for the purchase of firearms and ammunition; and a ban (with exceptions) on certain semi-automatic firearms defined as "assault weapons" and magazines that can hold more than 10 rounds.
James Gowell
Allegations of sexual assault, child molestation, possession of child porn and other sex crimes can have very serious consequences and are extremely scary to have to answer. An arrest, let alone a conviction, can damage your reputation for the rest of your life.
Drug/narcotic charges in Connecticut have a wide breadth of consequences from infractions to federal charges of drug trafficking. Any drug charge, however, can have serious consequences.
Criminal penalties for DUI include fines, prison terms, and license suspensions. By law, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) must impose 45-day license suspensions for drivers age 21 or older convicted of DUI. Once their licenses are reinstated, these offenders can drive only vehicles equipped with ignition interlock devices for specified periods of time.
Violent crimes are among the most seriously punished offenses under Connecticut law. These kinds of offenses can take many forms, but typically involve the use of physical force or threat of the use of force against another person. Because violent crimes can often result in significant legal penalties, it is critical to retain effective legal representation immediately if you have been charged with a violent crime.
Connecticut has many laws that are intended to help keep victims of domestic violence safe and hold offenders accountable for their actions. These laws, referred to as domestic violence or family violence laws, apply to victims regardless of their age, gender, economic status, race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, education, or immigration status.
A misdemeanor is considered a crime of lesser seriousness, and is a crime punishable with incarceration for less than one year. Even if a criminal charge for the defendant's conduct is normally a misdemeanor, sometimes a repeat offender will be charged with a felony offense.
A felony is a crime punishable by imprisonment in excess of one year. This classification is based upon the crime's potential sentence, so a crime remains classified as a felony even if a defendant convicted of a felony receives a sentence of one year or less.